Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Top Ten Most Toxic Rocks & Minerals

When you think of healing gemstones, rocks, and minerals you may not think of the potential of toxicity or the harmful deadly makeup of some substances.  There are some gorgeous rocks and minerals on this planet that you need to stay away from and not wear on your body.  We will be discussing the top ten rocks/minerals that can be very harmful for you and your family.

10) Coloradoite – this crystalline mineral was just recently discovered and originates in magma veins.  The mineral is a mercury telluride compound.  It holds a double threat to anyone that dares to handle it.  If the mineral is heated or chemically altered, deadly vapor and dust are released to anyone within breathing distance of it. 

9) Chalcanthite – these beautiful blue crystals are composed of copper, combined with sulfur, other elements and water.  The arrangement of its contents turns the copper, which is necessary for the body but can be toxic in excess quantities, into an extremely bio-available crystal.  What can happen is the copper can become water soluble and can be hurtful and deadly to any plants or animals that come in contact with it.  When the contents enters an organism it shuts down the body processes.  Releasing this blue crystal in ponds has killed algae, and caused greater environmental issues.

8) Hutchinsonite – Hutchinsonite is a hazardous mixture of thallium, lead, and arsenic.  The three poisonous metals form a deadly mineral that should be handled with great caution.  Thallium is the “dark twin” of lead.  This thick, greasy metal is similar in atomic mass but is more deadly.  This mineral is found in mountainous regions of Europe.

7) Galena – Galena is the principle of lead, and it forms glistening silver cubes with unnaturally
perfect shapes.  Lead, as you may know, is usually very flexible, but the sulfur content of galena makes it very brittle.  Galena is capable of taking its toll on workers and amateur researchers who are exposed to it.  If a worker comes in contact with the substance it can result in lead exposure.  If galena is struck with a hammer it will shatter and it is more difficult to contain, resulting in inhalation exposure.

6) Asbestos – Asbestos is not a manmade product, but one of the most terrifying minerals on the planet.  Where other minerals act as toxins while causing sickness, and accidental poisoning of the people who come in contact with them, asbestos conducts a full on sabotage to the lungs.  Asbestos deposits consist of thousands of tiny, fibrous crystals that become airborne and lodge themselves in the human lungs.  Carcinogenic effects develop from the irritation to the human lungs which leads to scarring.

5) Arsenopyrite – Arsenopyrite is also known as “fool’s gold”.  Handling the substance can be
harmful, arsenopyrite is arsenic iron sulfide, which is the same type of mineral as pyrite (fool’s gold, iron sulfide, but with a heavy addition or arsenic.  If heated or altered in any way, a strong garlic odor will be produced and can be lethally toxic.  If you even just handle the mineral you are in contact with the unstable sulfuric arsenic salts.  Would you like to be able to identify the substance?  Strike it with a hammer and a powerful garlic smell will be released briefly as sparks fly.  I wouldn’t suggest tampering with it though.

4) Torbernite – this is the mineral from hell.  The green prism shaped crystals are composed of
uranium.  The substance is formed through a complex reaction between phosphorous, copper, water and uranium.  Many collectors are taken by the minerals beauty and will collect a specimen for their shelf collection.   Lethal radon gas capable of causing lung cancer is released from these rocks.  You will definitely want to leave this one alone.  Be careful though, torbernite can occur in granite, so your stone countertop just might have traces of this deadly substance.

3) Stibnite – stibnite looks like silver, but is antimony sulfide.  For that reason, the huge, shining metallic crystals were fashioned into eating utensils at one point.  But, this lead to death for those that used them.  This mineral caused the worst kind of food poisoning you could ever imagine.  Even for those who have collected the substance should handle it with great caution or avoid it all together.  If you do happen to touch or hold a stibnite sample make sure to wash your hands well.  The largest samples of stibnite has been found in Oksaku in Japan, and measured up to one foot in length.

2) Orpiment – the only thing worse than arsenic is a rock made of arsenic and sulfur.  These lethal
and chemically reactive crystals are found growing below the surface near hydrothermal vents.  The colors can be attractive, but if held it can release carcinogenic, neurotoxic arsenic powder.  Like cinnabar, the Chinese used the substance for harm.  Arrows would be rubbed into the crushed substance and launched off to poison the enemy.  It has a strong garlic odor due to the arsenic content.  The mineral was used in ochre paint and was likely to cause of many artists being poisoned.

1) Cinnabar – cinnabar is the single most toxic mineral to handle on Earth. The name of the crystal means dragons blood.  Formed near volcanos and sulfur deposits, the bright red crystals are a sign of danger.  Cinnabar can release mercury if disturbed or heated, causing tremors, loss of sensation or death.  Cinnabar was used by the Chinese for ornamental food dishes and intricate carvings were created from chunks of it.  It was also believed by ancient medical practitioners that cinnabar held healing powers. 

If you ever have the opportunity to come in contact with these ten substances use not only great caution, but I would avoid them all together.  You would be happy to know that none of the jewelry that Sun Spirit Gems make have these substances in them.  So feel comforted with the jewelry you buy from Sun Spirit Gems.