Friday, July 31, 2015

What are chakras and what do they do for the body?

What exactly is a chakra?  A chakra is a wheel of energy that is localized through the body in alignment with the spine.  There are seven chakras to be exact.  Each one having a color associated with it, a special name, a purpose, and ways to stimulate it.  Keeping the chakras energetically moving keeps us vibrant, healthy, and alive.

Think about a chakra as a drain in a sink.  It keeps things (energy-Prana) moving throughout the body to keep it healthy.  When that “drain” or chakra is clogged or stagnant that keeps things from moving throughout the body, which can cause illness, discomfort, or other negative symptoms. 

Let’s talk about each of the chakras and what is associated with them so we can better understand how they help the body.

1st Chakra (Root/Base Chakra) – Located in the base of the spine (coccyx), is associated with the color red and the name of Muladhara.  Its prime lesson is survival – the right to exist.  Deals with tasks related to the material and physical world.  Helps give you the ability to stand up for oneself and security issues.  If there is an imbalance or blockage you can experience fatigue, lower back pain, sciatica, and depression.  You can also experience frequent colds, and cold hands and feet.  Ways to stimulate the 1st chakra is by getting physical exercise, restful sleep, and by doing gardening or pottery.  Red food and drink can stimulate the chakra, and so can wearing red clothing or red gemstones.

2nd Chakra (Spleen Chakra) – Located below the navel (lower abdomen), is associated with the color orange and the name of Svadisthana.  Its prime lesson is feelings – the right to feel.  It connects us with our sensing abilities and issues related to feelings.  If there are imbalances with the chakra you can experience, eating disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, depression, low back pain, asthma and allergies, or urinary issues.  Ways to stimulate the 2nd chakra is by taking hot aromatic baths, water aerobics, and massage.  Orange food or drink can help balance the chakra.  So can wearing orange clothing or orange gemstones.

3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) – Located above the navel (stomach area), is associated with the color yellow and the name of Manipura.  Its prime lesson is personal power – the right to think.  It connects us with the balance of our intellect, self-confidence, and ego power.  Also, to our ability to have self-control and humor.  If there is an imbalance or blockage you can experience digestive problems, ulcers, diabetes, hypoglycemia, constipation.  Nervousness and poor memory can also be a factor.  To stimulate the solar plexus chakra you can take educational classes, do mind puzzles and spending time in the sunshine.  Yellow food and drinks will help balance the chakra, and also wearing yellow clothing or yellow gemstones.

4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) – Located in center of the chest, is associated with the color green and the name Anahata.  Its prime lesson is relationships – the right to love.  It connects us with love, forgiveness, and compassion.  Acceptance of oneself.  If there is a blockage or imbalance you can experience heart or breathing issues, heart and breast cancer, chest pain, high blood pressure, and immune system problems.  To stimulate the heart chakra you can take walks out in nature, and be around friends and family.  Eating green foods or drink is very beneficial.  Also, wearing green clothing or green gemstones is very helpful.

5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) – Located in the throat region, is associated with the color blue and the name Visuddha.  Its prime lesson is relationships – the right to speak.  It helps us to learn to express oneself and your beliefs, and your ability to trust and loyalty.  It you have a blockage you may experience thyroid imbalances, swollen glands, fever, flu, infection, hyperactivity, mood swings, bloating, and menopause.  To stimulate the throat chakra you can sing in the shower, poetry, and have meaningful conversations.  Wear blue clothing or gemstones to stimulate the chakra too.

6th Chakra (Brow/Third Eye Chakra) – Located in the forehead, in between the eyes, is associated with the color indigo and the name Anja.  Its prime lesson is intuition – the right to “see”.  It helps us in trusting our visions and insights.  Helps develop your psychic abilities, and releasing repressed or hidden negative thoughts.  If the chakra is blocked or out of balance you can experience learning disabilities, sleep disorders, thyroid imbalances, swollen glands, flu and fevers, neck and shoulder issues, hyperactivity, or hormonal issues.  To stimulate the third eye chakra you can star gaze, meditate, or eat indigo foods or drinks.  Wearing indigo clothing or gemstones will also help.

7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) – Located at the top of your head, is associated with the color violet and the name Sahasrara.  Its prime lesson is knowingness – the right to aspire.  It helps us to be dedicated to the divine consciousness and to trust the universe.  Helps to learn about your spirituality and our connection with God.  If unbalanced you may experience headaches, photosensitivity, mental disorders, varicose veins and blood vessel issues, and skin rashes.  To stimulate the chakra focus on your dreams, write down your visions, and eat food and drinks that are violet.  Wearing violet clothing or gemstones is important too.

Living each day with intention of well-being and self-love can also help.  Make sure to pay attention to your body and what it may be telling you.  If you would like to know more about chakra jewelry, contact Sun Spirit Gems at

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